About us

Sit, see ‘n smile, please don't worry.

Plans was founded in 2017 by mr. sokpagna lim. a very passionate and experienced marketing professional with at least 10 years of experience in marketing and event planning industry plans has gathered innovative and result-driven team members who
determine to achieve our client's satisfaction having different experts and talents to be united in one place. we've combined our expertise to maximize our clients interest

until now. we've gained trust from our high-profile clients for our premium service delivery including bajaj. borey chancastle, borey phnommeas, carl's jr , e-commerce cambodia, go levance. racer ucmas cambodia, vanhong kidcare and many more.

Why us

We are the most reliable premium service provider to lead our clients’ way to success by helping them to achieve the most satisfactory marketing results which positively contribute to the increasing revenue and brand recognition. With our client-centric and result-oriented approach, we are a partner our clients can wholeheartedly trust in event planning, digital marketing and advertising.

Our slogan

“Sit, see ‘n smile”

Our mission

To deliver a promising quality of
service to our clients.

Our vision

Aim to be a regional leader
in marketing and event
planning industry.

Our core values

We work with our heart.
We do what we
promise to our clients.
We always search
for new creative idea
in our works.
We are responsible
for what we do as a
service provider.
We respect everyone as a human being either our clients,
our team members, people inside or outside our community.

We have always been committed to put genuine smiles on our clients’ face.